1 |
Persons Arrested in Seoul by the North Koreans |
- |
696 |
Name (in English and Chinese),address, occupation, date of arrest |
2 |
List of Seoul Area Victims (one volume) |
December 1, 1950 |
2,438 |
Name, gender, age, occupation, affiliation and position, date of injury, type of injury (abduction, murder, or disappearance), place of occurrence, brief profile, address |
3 |
List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(one volume) |
September 1, 1951 |
2,316 |
Name, workplace, age, address, date of injury |
4 |
List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(one volume) |
August 27, 1951 |
2,527 |
Name (in English and Chinese), age, workplace, address, date of abduction |
5 |
List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(one volume) |
1952 |
82,959 |
Name, gender, age, occupation, affiliation and position, date of abduction, place of abduction, address |
6 |
List of Persons Abducted during the Korean War(2 volumes) |
1954 |
17,940 |
Name, gender, age, occupation, date of abduction, place of abduction, abduction circumstances, place of residence at the time of abduction |
7 |
List of Displaced South Korean Civilians(one volume) |
1954 |
17,900 |
Name (in English and Chinese),gender, age, address |
8 |
List of Reported Displaced Civilians (27 volumes) |
1956 |
7,034 |
Name, gender, date of birth, permanent domicile, last known address, final occupation, representative of the family, place of abduction and abduction circumstances, narrative description of an individual |
9 |
egistry of Displaced Civilians |
1956 |
7,034 |
Name, gender, age, domicile, place of abduction, occupation |
10 |
Welfare And Whereabouts Inquiry Form |
1956 |
7,034 |
Name, gender, date of birth, place of birth, domicile, last known
address, final occupation, representative of the family, relationship with the displaced person, place where he/she was displaced, the situation of when he/she was displaced |
11 |
Reply to Welfare And Whereabouts Inquiry(one volume) |
1957 |
337 |
Name, date of birth, gender, final occupation, domicile, last known residence, name of the requestor, relationship with the displaced person, findings of the inquiry |
12 |
List of Displaced Cilivians(one volume) |
1963 |
11,700 |
Name, age, gender, address |